Friday 15 January 2016

A new year thank you message

I want to start by thanking Brighton stroke ward nurses,doctors, health assistants,  for your care of my dad and the other stroke patients who you so patiently and respectfully treat and look after every day . I can only endorse the sentiments of royal "approbation" in the 1830s. You have our appreciation for the quality service you are providing. And I am seeing it every day. 
In these days of criticism and devaluing of our public services , I want to shine a light on what you are doing and to thank you. Dad and my family are truly appreciative, and are daily aware of the gruelling hard work involved in 12 hour nursing shifts . We are in awe at the patience, thoughtfulness, and most importantly, kindness, that we experience. 

                                         The view of the sea from the Royal Sussex Hospital entrance 

Last Friday,  I was felled by a bug and it meant my weekend was one of poorlyness and forced rest and as I recovered, comfort reading. Matt Haig's simple message gave solace - it turned out to be much needed, since week two has provided so much grim news. 

 I was woken on Monday to the ping of my mobile phone - announcing the surprise death of David Bowie . I was not alone in my spontaneous sadness and appreciation of so many songs  and albums that have provided much of my life's soundtrack.  I was not alone in appreciation of boundaries that Bowie had pushed,making otherness wonderful. 

Later in the morning the hospital rang; dad already recovering from a New Year stroke had had another one. I rushed to the hospital.  Prompt careful attention had already kickstarted recovery. My feelings were relief and appreciation . The sunset that evening was magical, comforting and poignant.


And the week's news has continued to be depressing - Junior doctors driven to strike, Southern Health's poor Board meeting to consider the (initially) uninvestigated death of Connor Sparrowhawk, an ISIS Jakarta bombing , more sadness with the untimely death of Alan Rickman.....

So reasons to be cheerful this cold January week , with loss and ill health all around ? 

Friendship - phonecalls, messages,  cups of tea and stollen with P&P; a new friendship via my brother with A ; a warming risotto with P&R; a promised visit from my longest standing friend M.
The gift of flowers.

Jazz - the marvellous Scott Hamilton  and Smalls house band made a special Tuesday evening .

Family - on the 13th I managed to time arrival of a message to my eldest son  at the minute of the 32nd anniversary of his birth ! The frequent call from him and his brother and sister seeking to support me in the face of grandpa's illness is marvellous . I hugely value daily face time calls with my partner from halfway round the globe as she visits her son and his growing family. My brother and sister's frequent calls and visits , and sharing caring concerns for our dad, are keeping me going too. 

Pets - our Merry with her dependable cheeriness and affection .


The less dependable,standoffishness of Eartha .

The world around in the sharp winter sunshine.

Twitter and the connections to people , art, missed articles , books ,music, that it provides daily 

Back to my NHS thank you. Yesterday I learnt from dad's OT that not only are dogs allowed on the stroke ward;  they are positively welcomed! I couldn't believe it. And neither could dad when Merry arrived as his surprise visitor. His smile was so wide , his stroking so enthusiastic ( and with his bad hand!) . This is real person centred, involving care. Merry cheered the whole ward- patients,visitors and staff.

Thank you 

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